Member-only story
Server storage management
You’re a junior DBA, and at work, you’ve been asked to monitor a bunch of servers on a daily basis to see how they are doing storage-wise.
Keep in mind that these servers are not your personal laptops where you know what’s useful and what’s not useful. Some random file can be mission critical, so last thing you want is to delete an important file.
Side Note: In the starting days at your job, keep a track of which server’s you’ve logged into, what files you’ve deleted to clean up space, because chances are that the security software your workplace uses, might flag you for deleting a file, since you’re a new employee, and it’s not normal to delete files.
That said, the question is, what is safe to delete?
In most cases, the temp files inside of C -> Windows -> Temp directory are safe to delete. These are temporary files created by the system/applications. Word of caution: Delete these files that are a few days old, try not to delete files from the same day. Usually not a problem anyway but remember this is an everyday thing, you can come back tomorrow and delete what’s left from yesterday. The files aren’t going anywhere :)
Important to note that these temp files, for the most part, do not take any significant space, which is why you would not be cleaning up a ton of space by deleting these files, so…